Sunday 29 January 2012

The Honorable Wives Of Prophet (PBUH) -3 -SWDAH Bint Zamah



     1-Khadeejah  Bint Khuwailid-Radhiallahu Anha

     2 -Aishah   Bint Abu Bakr - Radhiallahu Anha

     3 -Sawdah   Bint Zam'ah - Radhiallahu Anha
     4 -Umm Habeebah Bint Abu Sufyan R.A

     5 -Umm Salamah Radhiallahu Anha

     6 -Juwairiyah Bint Al-Haritt- Radhiallahu Anha

     7 -Hafsah   Bint  Umar - Radhiallahu Anha

     8 -Zainab Bint Khuzaimah - Radhiallahu Anha

     9 -Safiyyah Bint Huyay - (Radiallahu Anha)

     10 -Zainab Bint Jahsh - (Radiallahu Anha)

     11 -Maimonah Bint Al-Harith (Radiallahu Anha

3 -Sawdah   Bint Zam'ah - Radhiallahu Anha

She Is Sawdah Bint Zam'ah Bin Qais Bin Abd Shams
Bin Abd Wadd Bin Nasr Bin Malik Bin Amir
Bin Lu'ayy Al-Qurashiyah
Her Mother Wa Ash-Shamus Bint Qais Bin Zaid Bin Amir Al-Ansariyyah

Her Migration To Abyssinia 

When Allah Most High Commanded
His Messenger Sallalahu Alaihe Wassalam To Preach
Islam Openly And To Call Upon All Of The People To
Worship Allah The One And Only
The Messenger Of Allah Obeyed His Lords
Command And Called Upon The People To Abandon
The Worship Of Idols And To Worship Allah Alone
When She Heard Of This New Religion,
Sawdah's Hear Was Opened To It And She Believed
In It And Believed The Message Which 
Mohammad Sallalahu Alaihe Wassalam Brought.
This Was Not Strange For One Such As Sawdah R.A
For She Was A Pure-hearted Women Who Loved
Goodness And Anyone Who Possesses Such traits Will Naturally Be Drawn Towards The Religion Of Islam, Because It Is A Religion Of Goodness And Purity.

The Death Of Her Husband

While in Abyssinia,As-Sakran Bin Amr Fell ill And When He And His Family Returned To Makkah,
The illness Became Worse And A Short Time Later,
He Died. Sawdah R.A Now Suffering From The Ordeal Of Widowhood, Having Previously Suffered From The Ordeal Of Living in A Faraway Land And She Had Lost The Man Who Supported Her And Her Children. She Had Four Children With Her.

Khawlah Bint Hakeem Wen To The House Of Zam'ah Bin Qais And Said To Sawdah R.A
What A Great Goodness And Blessing Allah Has Bestowed Upon You "

She Said : What Is that ? Oh Khawlah ?
She Said The Messenger Of Allah Sallalahu Alaihe Wassalam Has Sent Me To Propose Marriage To You ..
Sawdah R.A Was Overjoyed For She Would Be A Wife Of The Messenger Of Allah
She Consented immediatly And Said To Khawlah
Go To My Father And Tell Him About This.
So Khawlah Went To Zam'ah Bin Qais
Who Was A Very Old Man
And Greated Him With Salutions Of Peace
Which He Returned
And Then She Said To Him
Mohammed Bin Abdullah S.A.W 
Has Sent Me To Propose Marriage To Sawdah
He Said :
A Noble Match ! 
What Does Your Companian(i.e sawdahR.A) Say ?
She Replies : She Likes It 
He Said : Tell Him To Come ,
So The Messenger Of Allah Went To His House
Of Zam'ah And Sawdah R.A
And Sawdah Came To Him And Said :
My Affairs is in Your Hands O Messenger Of Allah
The Blessed Marriage Took Place In the Month Of Ramadan, in The Tenth Year Following The Starts Of The Prophetic Mission, With A Dowry Equivalent To Four Hundred Dirhams Having Been Agreed Upon.

Sawdah R.A in The House Of The Messenger Of Allah

She Moved into The House Of The Messenger
Of Allah And Became One Of The Mother Of The Believers, Because Any Women Who married The Prophet Became The Mother To The Believers By Allah The Most High's Command For He Sayes In His Mighty Book

The Prophet Is Closer To The Believers Then Their Own Selves, And his Wives Are Their (Believers)Mother (As Regards Respect And Marriage)
(Surah Al-Ahzab 33:6 )

After The Death Of The Prophet S.A.W
She Stayed In her House And Didnot leave It All
She Did Not Even go To perform Hajj And She Would Say
i Have Perform Hajj And umrah During the Time of
The Messenger Of Allah
So I Will Remain In My House 
As Allah The Almighty The All Powerful Commanded Me To Do
Sawdah R.A Lived The Life Of A Sincere Beleiver,
She Was An Abstemious Women Who Worshipped
Allah Much, Fasting Frequently And Standing
In Prayer At Night Often Until She Was Taken By Allah, The Most High During The Caliphate Of Umr R.A

Taken Frm Book...Honorable Wives Of Prophet PBUH
By Darussalam Riyadh..KSA

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