Tuesday 31 January 2012


" Salaat  ReStrains  From  Evil  Acts  "
( May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings Be upon all of you)

In The Name Of Allah, 
We Praise Him, 
Seek His Help And Ask For His Forgiveness. 
Whoever Allah Guides None Can Misguide, 
And Whoever He Allows To Fall Astray, 
None Can Guide Them Aright. 
We Bear Witness That There is None Worthy Of Worship But Allah Alone, 
And We Bear Witness That Muhammad (saws) is His Slave-Servant And The Seal Of His

Allah Says in The Holy Quran Chapter 29 Surah Ankabut Verse 45
Regarding Some Of The Wisdom Behind The Act Of Salaah : 
O Prophet, Recite This Book (Al Quran) 
Which Has Been Revealed To You, 
And Establish The Salaat. 
Surely The Salaat Restrains From indecent And
Evil Acts, 
And The Remembrance Of Allah is indeed The Greatest. And Allah knows Whatever You Do.

Ya Allah !
Accept From Us; Surely U Are The Hearing, The Knowing.
Ya Allah !
Grant Me That I Should Be Grateful For Thy Favor Which Thou hast Bestowed On Me And On My Parents, And That I Should Do Good Such As Thou Art Pleased With, And Make Me Enter, By Thy Mercy, Into
Thy Servants, The Good Ones

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