Thursday 9 February 2012



Abu Vail Rahimahullahu Narrates
That A Mukatab (slave) Came
To Sayyiduna Ali Radiyallahu Anhu And Said:
I Am Unable To Pay The Agreed Amount
Within The Agreed Period
( to get myself freed from slavery ),
So Help Me.
Sayyiduna Ali Radiyallahu Anhu Told Him :
Should I Not Teach You Those Words,
Which Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Taught Me ?
If You Are in A Debt Equivalent To Mount Seer
(of Yemen),
Allah  Subhanahu wa ta'ala
Will Discharge That Debt For You.
Say This :

Allahumak- Fineebi-Ha Laalika Un-Haramika
Wa Aghninee BI-Fazlika Am-Mun Siwaaka
( O Allah, Suffice For Me Your Lawful Sustenance,
Saving Me From The Unlawful;
And By Your Grace,
Free Me From All, Except Yourself.) 
{ Tirmidhi }

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