Friday 17 February 2012

Religion is complete


Religion is complete

Islam is A Complete Religion.
 So Complete That Nothing Can Be Added To it And Nothing Can Be Subtracted From it.
 Allah Said in The Qur’an :
This Day, I Have Perfected Your Religion For You,
Completed My Favor Upon You, And Have Chosen For You Islam As Your Religion.
(Qur’an, 5:3)
Know O Muslims, The innovation Of Celebrating The Prophet’s Birthday Was First introduced 300 Years After The Death Of The Prophet ( PBUH),
But it Was Still Not Practiced.
 It Was Only 600 Years After The Death Of The Prophet ( PBUH) That This Celebration Really Started in The Muslim Ummah.
 (See Ibn Kathir’s Al-Bidayah wa’l-Nihayah, 13/137)

The Prophet ( PBUH ) Has Told Us Several Times To Stay Clear Of innovations in Religion.
I Urge You To Follow My Sunnah And The Way Of The Rightly-Guided Khaleefahs After Me;
Adhere To it And Cling To it Firmly.
Beware Of Newly-invented Things,
For Every Newly-invented Thing (in the Religion) is An innovation (bid’ah) And Every innovation is A Going-Astray.
(Narrated by Ahmad, 4/126; Al-Tirmidhi, no. 2676)

Apart From Being An innovation it is imitating The Christians,
Who Celebrate The Birthday Of Jesus ( PBUH).
Both, innovating in Religion And imitating Other Religions,
Are Haraam in Islam.
The Prophet ( PBUH) Said :
Whoever imitates A People is One Of Them.”
(Ahmad, 2/50; Abu Dawood, 4/314)
Then How Do We Express Our Love For The Prophet?

Allah Says in The Qur’an:
Say (O Muhammad,PBUH, To mankind) :
If You (really) Love Allah,
Then Follow Me
(i.e. Accept Islamic Monotheism, Follow The Qur’an And The Sunnah), Allah Will Love You And Forgive You Your Sins.
(Qur’an, 3:31)

Loving Allah And His Messenger Means To Obey Them.
Loving Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) Means Following His Sunnah, Reviving His Practices Which Have Become Uncommon in Our Societies.
 It Doesn’t Mean introducing Our Own Way Of Worship And Rituals.
Allah And His Messenger Did Not Say To Do Celebrations Where Men And Women Mix,
Sing And Dance With Music Playing.
These Haraam Activities Can Be Found in The Heart Of London On A Friday Or Saturday Night,
in The Name Of Loving The Prophet ( PBUH).
How Absurd !
One Of The Early Scholars,
One Of The Companions Of Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, Said,
Beware Of innovation,
Because Every innovation Started Out As Something Small Snd Resembling The Truth And People Were Fooled By it And Followed it Until it Became Bigger And Bigger And Were Trapped By it And it Took Them Out Of Islam.

Isn’t This What is Exactly Happening Today ?
We Find That in Some Places This Event Has Become So important That if it is Not Practiced You Are Seen As A Sinner,
Even Though You May Not Pray !
 The important Lesson To Learn Here is That When Something is innovated into The Religion,
A Sunnah is Lost.
People Are Celebrating The Birthday,
Which is Not Legislated,
 And Are Leaving The Established Sunnahs.
Let Us Ask Ourselves:
How Many Of Us Fast On The 13th,14th And 15th Of Every Month?
How Many Of Us Fast Mondays And Thursdays ?
How Many Of Us Pray The Qiyam Al-Layl (the night prayer) or Tahajjud ?
It is Also important To Know That The Correct Date Of The Prophet’s Birth is Not Known.
Some Scholars Say it Was 9th Rabi Al-Awwal
And Others Say it Was 12th.
However, it is Known For Sure That The Prophet ( PBUH) Died On The 12th,
Which in Fact Was The Greatest Calamity That Has Ever Struck Muslims. –

Ya Allah ! 
surely we have heard a preacher calling to the faith, 
saying: Believe in your Lord, so we did believe;
Ya Allah !
 forgive us therefore our faults, 
and cover our evil deeds and make us die with the righteous.
Ya Allah ! 
grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter,
 and save us from the chastisement of the fire. 

Ya Allah ! 
Accept From Us ;
Surely Thou Art The Hearing, The Knowing

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