Tuesday 14 February 2012

" What Is The Reward For Spouses "

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmath Ullahi Wa Barkatahu

What is The Reward For Spouses

1 - Treating One Another Kindly

What is The Reward Of A Righteous Wife For Her Religious Commitment Before Allah,
 if She Tries To Her Husband Happy,
Loves Him, Helps Him Remain Chaste,
Takes Care Of Him And Treats Him As if He is Her Child With All Compassion,
And She Does Everything To Make Him Happy,
 And Obeys Him in All Things,
 And He is Very Happy With Her,
And Always Prays That Allah Will Be Pleased With Her ? 
What is The Reward Of The Man Too,
 if He Treats His Wife in A Similar Manner?
Praise Be To Allah.
I Ask Allah To Preserve The Love And Happiness Between You,
And To Fill The Houses Of All Muslims With That Which Has Filled Your House Of Good Companionship And Kind Treatment.

I Give You Many Glad Tidings Of Which Our
Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) Spoke When Explaining The
Reward Of The Wife Who is As You Described :
It Was Narrated From ‘Abd Al-Rahman ibn ‘Awf ( pbuh)
That The Messenger Of Allah
( PBUH) Said :
“ If A Woman Does Her Five (daily prayers),
Fasts Her Month (Ramadan),
Guards Her Chastity And Obeys Her Husband,
 it Will Be Said To Her :
Enter Whichever Of The Gates Of Paradise You Want.”

Narrated by Ahmad (1/191).

It Was Narrated From Anas ( PBUH) That
The Prophet ( PBUH ) Said:
“ Shall I Not Tell You About Your Men in Paradise ? ”
We Said : Yes, O Messenger Of Allah.
 He Said :
“ The Prophet Will Be in Paradise,
 The Siddeeq Will Be in Paradise,
The Man Who Visits His Brother Who Lives Far Away And Visits Him Only For The Sake Of Allah Will Be in Paradise.
 Shall I Not Tell You About Your Women in Paradise ? ”
We Said : Yes, O Messenger Of Allah.
He Said:
“ The Loving And Fertile One Who, if She Gets Angry Or is Mistreated Or Her Husband Gets Angry Says,
‘ Here is My Hand in Your Hand,
I Shall Not Sleep Until You Are Pleased.’”
Narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Mu’jam al-Awsat (2/206).
It was also narrated from a number of other Sahaabah,
hence it was classed as hasan by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah (3380) and in Saheeh al-Targheeb (1942).
it Was Narrated From Husayn ibn Muhsin (PBUH)
 That His Paternal Aunt Went To The Messenger Of Allah ( PBUH )
Concerning Some Need And He Met Her Need,
Then He Said :
“ Do You Have A Husband ?”
She Said: Yes.
He Said: “ How Are You With Him?”
She Said : I Do What He Tells Me,
Except What is Beyond Me.
He Said : “ Look At How You Are With Him,
For He is Your Paradise And Your Hell.”
i.e., He is The Cause Of Your Entering Paradise
if He is Pleased With You,
And The Cause Of Your Entering Hell
if He is Displeased With You.
So Treat Him Well And Do Not Disobey His Commands With Regard To That Which is Not A Sin..
As For The Glad Tidings Which Came To The Husband Who Treats His Wife Kindly,
it is When The Prophet ( PBUH )
Testified That He Had Perfect Faith Which Dictated That He Should Enter Paradise,
And That He is Superior To All People.
It Was Narrated From Abu Hurayrah
(may Allaah be pleased with him)
That The Messenger Of Allah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
Said :
“ The Most Perfect Of The Believers in Faith is The One Who is Best in Attitude, And The Best Of You is The One Who is Best in Attitude Towards His Womenfolk.”
And Allah Knows Best.
2.       She Asked Her Husband For A Divorce Because He Mistreated Her
My Husband Divorced Me Two Days Ago,
After Just 11 Months Of Marriage.
Our Divorce is Regarded As Qhula’,
Because I Gave Up A Sum Of Money
That My Husband Was Looking After For Me.
When I Noticed That What Was Stopping Him
 From Divorcing Me Was This Money,
Not The Love That There Was Between Us ,
I Gave it Up And He Divorced Me Quite Readily.
I Loved Him Very Much And I Prayed To Allah
 That The Divorce Would Not Be Completed,
And I Prayed istiqharah.
I Kept Quiet in The Court And I Was Looking At The Judge Hoping That This Divorce Would Not Be Completed,
But When The judge Asked Me,
“ Do You Agree? ”
I Always Said Yes,
So As To Preserve My Dignity Of Which I Have Been Robbed By My Husband And His First Wife
(as I am the second wife).  
I Would Like To Ask About The Following :

– What Does it Mean That The Throne Of The Most Merciful is Shaken By Our Divorce ?

2 – Is Allah Angry With Me For Asking For A Divorce in Order To Preserve My Dignity, Because My Husband Was Not Just in Spending And Sometimes in The Division Of His Time (between co-wives)?
Praise Be To Allah.
We Ask Allah To Help You To Do All That is Good,
And To Bless You With Happiness in This World And in The Hereafter,
And To Compensate You With A Righteous Husband And Good Offspring.You Should Note That Tests And Trials Are Part And Parcel Of The Life Of This World, And That The Muslim Must Prepare Himself To Face Hardships And Problems.
One Of The Greatest Trials That People May Face is The Loss Of A Loved One Or Friend Through Death, Absence Or Separation, But Allah, By His Grace And Kindness,
Still Opens The Gates Of His Mercy To People And Makes it Easy For Them To Find Loved Ones And Friends Who Will Help Them To Do Good And Reduce The Sorrow That They Feel in Their Hearts.
Do Not Grieve For What Has Happened, For Whatever Happens To A Person Could Not Have Missed Him.
Allah, May He Be Exalted, Says (interpretation of the meaning):
And it May Be That You Dislike A Thing Which is Good For You And That You Like A Thing Which is Bad For You. Allah Knows But You Do Not Know
[Al-Baqarah 2:216]
It is Permissible For A Woman To Ask Her Husband For A Divorce,
if There is A Reason For That To Be Permissible,
Such As if He Fails To Give Her Rights Or He Wrongs Her Or Mistreats Her And Does Not Respond To Advice To Treat Her Well And Be Kind To Her.But if A Woman Asks For A Divorce With No Reason, That is Haraam And is A Major Sin.
The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Said :
“ Any Woman Who Asks Her Husband For A Divorce For No Reason, The Fragrance Of Paradise Will Be Forbidden To Her.”
Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar Said :
The Reports Which Warn A Woman Against Asking Her Husband For A Divorce Are To Be Understood As Referring To Cases Where There is No Reason For Doing That.
Asking For Qhula’ is Also Permissible if it is Done For A Shar’i Reason, So As Toward Off Wrong Doing Or To Protect One's Rights Or Other Such Reasons..
What is Haraam is Asking For Qhula’ With No Good Reason.
It Says in A Hadeeth That The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

Said :
“ Women Who Seek Qhula’ Are Hypocrites.”
 Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1186

What The Husband Must Do,
if He Marries More Than One Wife,
is To Adhere To The Condition That Allah Has Stipulated For Husbands,
As He Says (interpretation of the meaning):
But if You Fear That You Shall Not Be Able To Deal Justly (with them), Then Only One
[Al-Nisa’ 4:3]

If He Knows That He Will Fall Short in Giving One Of  His Wives Her Rights, Then it is Not Permissible For Him To Keep Her Suspended And Mistreat Her,Rather He Must Give Her Rights Of Maintenance,
Staying Overnight With Her And Treating Her in A Kind And Proper Manner,And He Must Be Just And Fair Between Her And His Other Wives.If He Cannot Do That, Then He Should Let Her Go
With Kindness, And Kindness Means That He
Should Not Take Anything Of Her Wealth.If The Husband Refuses To Let Her Go With Kindness And He Does Not Care About That Wrong That is Being Done To His Wife,And The Wife Wants To Expedite Her Separation From Him, Even By Paying Some Kind Of Compensation To The Husband,Then She Has The Right To Do That, And The Sin is On The Husband And The Money That He Takes is Haraam Wealth.
And Allah Knows Best
Ya Allah ! 
surely we have heard a preacher calling to the faith, 
saying: Believe in your Lord, so we did believe;
Ya Allah !
 forgive us therefore our faults, 
and cover our evil deeds and make us die with the righteous.
Ya Allah ! 
grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter,
 and save us from the chastisement of the fire. 

Ya Allah ! 
Accept From Us ;
Surely Thou Art The Hearing, The Knowing

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